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What is Rapid Transformational Therapy?

  • Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is a pioneering therapy based on neuroscience that has the potential to offer fast, effective results by combining the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT.

  • RTT® can deliver extraordinary change from physical, emotional, and psychological pain by reframing our core beliefs, values, habits, and emotions deep in the subconscious.

  • By rapidly rewiring the brain’s neural pathways, RTT® replaces our out-dated belief systems and negative behavior patterns. New life-affirming beliefs are formed, and the transformational process begins.

Three Reasons to consider RTT over traditional counseling

1. RTT is substantially faster acting compared with counseling.

Counseling can take weeks/months/even years to solve the issues that hold you back from being the best version of yourself.  RTT often takes one-3 90 minute - hours (max) sessions.

2. Counseling doesn't tap into your subconscious mind, RTT does.

RTT is different because it takes elements of CBT, NLP, and hypnotherapy.  Using this combination of therapies, RTT gets to work below the surface - in your subconscious mind - and helps to change unconscious limiting beliefs that you may have held on to since childhood.


3. RTT taps into your self talk and helps you DITCH IT.

 Do you talk negatively about yourself?  Do you believe you aren't enough?  Our mind loves familiarity and our subconscious mind doesn't have a filter, so it believes everything you say to yourself whether that's healthy or unhealthy.

Rapid Transformational Therapy®️ (RTT®️) is endorsed by:

  • General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR)

  • International Association of Counsellors and Therapists (IACT)

  • International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) 

  • International Hypnosis Federation (IHF)

  • Accredited Counsellors, Coaches

  • Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists (ACCPH)

  • Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists (ASCH) - RTT® Live In-Person only

  • New Zealand Association of Professional Hypnotherapists (NZAPH)

  • International Coaches Register (ICR)

  • International Hypnosis Association (IHA)

  • Dutch Professional Association of Hypnotherapists / Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Hypnotherapeuten (NBVH) - RTT® Live In-Person only

  • Professional Development Consortium (PDC)


I was trained by Marisa Peer (the woman pictured next to me) she is an internationally award-winning, qualified hypnotherapist with advanced certificates in hypnotherapy from the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles. Marisa has completed additional studies in hypno-healing, advanced hypnotherapy, medical hypnotherapy, and Gestalt analysis and she created the award winning therapy method called Rapid Transformational therapy (RTT) that I use in my programs today that completely have shifted my life, and continues to allow me to transform clients lives.

Having undertaken further studies at the Proudfoot School of Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and the Atkinson Ball College of Hypnotherapy, Marisa has dedicated the last three decades to researching, testing, and applying the most beneficial principles of hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, NLP, CBT, and neuroscience.

The result of over 30 years of careful and rigorous study, Marisa’s unique Rapid Transformational Therapy® has helped tens of thousands of people worldwide to overcome their own personal challenges and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Marisa is also an accomplished author of five best-selling books, translated into a dozen languages. She has been a contributor and columnist to publications including Closer, Men’s Fitness, and major Sunday newspapers and frequently appears as an expert on the BBC and television networks all over the world. Marisa was also featured in The Midas List: 22 Successful British Women to Follow in 2022. She’s been invited to speak by everywhere from TEDx and Condé Nast to the Royal Society of Medicine about her impassioned and effective approach to changing people’s lives from within.

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